
Au Revoir 2008

It was a very nice X'mas start this year. I attended the midnight mass at St. Patrick's Church with some friends. Of course the guys were having a good time looking at all the pretty damsels around. And why not? It was like a platter of all the good food in the world. :)

2008 was a very fast year. So quick that at times I felt I was dreaming. And I wished it was just a dream. Lots of nice things to cherish and equally bad ones too to be forgotten. Yeah... I do have my share of resolutions too for the new year...

Prayers from deep within my heart wishing that 2009 is peaceful without any turmoils and awkward silences....


Atleast try making a difference!

All the hue and cry after the Mumbai attack on 26/11. TV channels filled with updates, latest pics, people accusing each other on who is responsible for the security flaws. And amongst all these families of all the brave men who gave their lives and all the innocents who lost their lives.

Lets try making a difference at our own individual levels. It does help!

As a first step, lets make an effort to vote. www.jaagore.com is a real good initiative. I have registered myself. Please go ahead and do it.

Instead of cribbing about the bad traffic, roads and all that valuable time lost in the traffic jams of Bangalore lets participate in the car pooling initiative started by Radio One 94.3 FM and the Bangalore Traffic Police. Register yourself at www.commuteeasy.com I don't have a car yet ;)

Lets all take the pledge to follow traffic rules no matter what happens. Lets take a pledge to keep our environment as clean as possible by us.

Small things do make a lot of difference. Try it and feel happy.

Lets be happy Indians! :)


S.M.I.L.E. :D

I receive emails saying that I have won USD 750,000 in one case and USD 500,000 in some other case. And though I do know that its all fraudulent mails for a second somewhere I wished if I got even half the money...

Maybe all us wished once for such kind of a money flow to solve all our "so-called" problems.

Well... Lets be positive that one day in our life time we would get it. And continue living our sweet lives with the small problems we have.

Lets smile... And live life to the fullest!



'Brain-less Syndrome'

Here I sit in front of my laptop frozen at 7 pm on a Wednesday. Frozen not because of the building's air conditioning but because my brain is missing. This is my 8th hour in the office. 6th hour in front of the laptop scramming in charts into the presentations, pulling out reports from databases which take forever to download and scrunching numbers in excel sheets. Apart from these, there are nice colleagues screaming around or attending their international official calls on speaker mode.

And all of a sudden, I feel empty. Am blank. Unable to think.

I tried calling up few friends, tried chatting to few others but in vain. Everybody seems to be busy or bored. Or maybe they just are not interested to talk to me. I even tried whiling away some time 'orkutting', 'facebooking'. But again, in vain. I had a boring day. First the office cab was late by 10 minutes in the morning. Followed by the 'eternal' traffic jammed roads to reach office. Thank God I don't have to drive or ride. And then the rest of the day in front of this dumb machine. Phew!

Sometimes I just want to run away to places like Goa or Payyanur (my hometown in Kerala). Why? Because 'I need a break!' Don't you guys identify with me? Am sure yes.

Such an artificial life here with the 'Brain-less Syndrome' hitting upon time and again! Please do let me know if someone has a cure for this.


Mind your own business!

I happened to read a web article about Protima Bedi. They were excerpts of her life. And I came across a line which read that many people who knew her thought that she was leading an immoral life.


What is immorality? Or who has defined it?

Is it only a woman who has had many lovers being immoral? Aren't the men concerned here being immoral? Well, this is quite debatable.

The best thing to do is not to intrude in others' lives. Do not question anyone and do not let anyone question you about your life.

Mind your own business and live peacefully...


He loves me... He loves me not...

There she sat on the huge French window sill of her bedroom smoking away a cigarette. She looked down from the 9th floor just to see the mad rush of vehicles on the busy roads of Mumbai. It was 1.30 am. The next day being a Sunday she could afford to be awake this late. A typical professional? Hmm...

As she got up to light her second cigarette in half an hour, she looked at him. There he lay on her double bed, half naked, giving her a smile. He was handsome. He always has been. She remembered the first time she saw him years ago. She had been enchanted as though she had just seen a Greek God.

Years later when they met again the sparks just flew off. And before they knew it, they had proclaimed themselves to be 'in love'. And now after 2 years of their relationship, why is she feeling strange? Or rephrase it... Why is she feeling that she's a stranger to him? She knew for sure that she loved him but... She was quite surprised by this thought of hers.

She looked at him again. He was wide awake surfing through channels. He suddenly got up and offered her for a coffee. She accepted and while he walked away to the kitchen, she noticed a bunch of roses withering away. He had given it to her as part of their making up that evening during dinner. She picked up a rose and started plucking the petals one by one... She remembered seeing that somewhere...

She started off...

'He loves me...' 'He loves me not...' 'He loves me...' 'He loves me not...' 'He loves me...' 'He loves me not...' 'He loves me...' 'He loves me not...' 'He loves me...'

and as he entered the bedroom with 2 cups of steaming coffee she was at the last petal....

'He loves me not...'

And so... the journey continues...

Before I begin my first post, I want to thank my 'chakkara' friend, Abhija for being an inspiration to start blogging.

A disclaimer too. I won't post every day incidents. No! And to all readers, please feel free to give your comments.

Let me tell you who I am.

Born on 14 July, 1984 in Payyanur, (a small town in Kannur district of God's own country) to Pulukool Vimala and Mathradan Haridass, after 3 years of their marital bliss. (Family names do matter if you are serious about genealogy. And I am!)

A younger sister, Harsha completes our family. Now working with AOL, B'lore as an Analyst, into Online Media Market Research (if that actually makes sense to you).

I love life the way it is and love the way I am. So in short, i am lovable man! Dance is my passion and have managed to start my Bharathanatyam lessons again. Yippee! (Inspirations again played a part here.)

There have been a lot of sweet and bitter experiences in my life. Now you can always think how much a 24 year old woman might have experienced. Well, that is my take on my life and I have always learnt from it. And guess what! I have always seen a different dimension of life, each time. Now you can imagine how ‘irregular’ I am in my head.

Love life and take care.