
Au Revoir 2008

It was a very nice X'mas start this year. I attended the midnight mass at St. Patrick's Church with some friends. Of course the guys were having a good time looking at all the pretty damsels around. And why not? It was like a platter of all the good food in the world. :)

2008 was a very fast year. So quick that at times I felt I was dreaming. And I wished it was just a dream. Lots of nice things to cherish and equally bad ones too to be forgotten. Yeah... I do have my share of resolutions too for the new year...

Prayers from deep within my heart wishing that 2009 is peaceful without any turmoils and awkward silences....


Atleast try making a difference!

All the hue and cry after the Mumbai attack on 26/11. TV channels filled with updates, latest pics, people accusing each other on who is responsible for the security flaws. And amongst all these families of all the brave men who gave their lives and all the innocents who lost their lives.

Lets try making a difference at our own individual levels. It does help!

As a first step, lets make an effort to vote. www.jaagore.com is a real good initiative. I have registered myself. Please go ahead and do it.

Instead of cribbing about the bad traffic, roads and all that valuable time lost in the traffic jams of Bangalore lets participate in the car pooling initiative started by Radio One 94.3 FM and the Bangalore Traffic Police. Register yourself at www.commuteeasy.com I don't have a car yet ;)

Lets all take the pledge to follow traffic rules no matter what happens. Lets take a pledge to keep our environment as clean as possible by us.

Small things do make a lot of difference. Try it and feel happy.

Lets be happy Indians! :)